Mixed Reality CAD for general mechanics (AR/VR)
Your company uses CAD softwares to design mechanics, robotics or technologies of tomorrow. Then virtual technologies will be a plus !
Rcad'Touch, our collaborative AR/VR design and sales support software, is the perfect tool for your design offices and sales people.
AR/VR dedicated to mechanics and robotics
Invite your mechanical and robotics engineers to collaborate on your CAD projects.
With RCad'Touch, you will propose a new approach to the mechanical and robotics engineer's job. You can use augmented reality or virtual reality in your design process.
Visualize, manipulate and assemble 3D models from standard CAD formats such as .step, .ifc, etc. Invite your team into a virtual scene to discuss while viewing CAD projects.

For mechanical and robotic engineers
View multiple parts or assemblies during project progress meetings
Handle and assemble mechanical parts or assemblies during meetings
Annotate and measure your CAD mechanical parts to organize the progress of your project
Position mechanical parts in relation to each other and compare them to real ones
For sales people in mechanical and robotics industry
Show your customers your mechanical and robotic parts and CAD files at 1/1 scale
Allow your customers to manipulate and annotate your computer-aided design (CAD) files